Tuesday, 8 May 2012

कबीरा  खड़ा बाज़ार में .....

ज़मीन से  भारी पाप होता है, सुने थे हम
सूखे पत्ते की तरह नेकी को उड़ते देखा।

फ़रिश्ते डर  के सहम के छिपे से रहते हैं 
आज के दौर में शैतान खुदा है देखा।

उसूलो इल्म हदीस और कुरान हैं अच्छे 
पेट की आग में इन सबको भी  जलते देखा।

कन्हैया संग खेलता था सुदामा अपना
उनके बचपन को, जवानी में बदलते देखा ।

माटी का लाल था, हम सबका मसीहा था जो
दौलत ओ हुस्न में, उसको भी बहकते देखा ।

रुस्तम ए हिन्द था, ताकत का  वारापार न था
उम्र की शाम में, उसको  भी घिसटते देखा ।

 तड़प के मर रहा था, इक गरीब रस्ते पर
हाय! लुकमान को, सौदा वहाँ  करते देखा ।

चाँद के पार  है  वो, मैं  खड़ा वहीं  का वहीं
कल को आज, कल की राह  का रोड़ा देखा ।

संग इंसान के इंसानियत भी जिन्दा रहे
तमाम जेहादों  में, इंसानियत का खूँ  देखा ।

दीदार ए  रब के लिये, उसने छोड़ दी दुनिया
मंदिरों  मस्जिदों  में उसको भटकते देखा ।

देवता आते थे, जब भी पुकारते थे हम
बेपर्दा द्रौपदी है, उनको भी ग़ाफ़िल देखा ।

चाँद सूरज को ग्रहण लगता था, खलता था हमें
अपने जज़्बात ख़यालात बदलते देखा ।

पवित्र करने हमें स्वर्ग से आई गंगा
गंगा खुद हो गयी है मैली, ये मैंने देखा।

तौलेंगे अपना वज़ूद आ के मेरे दर पे सब
हँस  के  खाक़  ए  मसान को यही  कहते देखा । 

शेष फिर .........

Saturday, 5 May 2012

xaxk vorj.k lat; flag ^vo/kwr*
,d ;{k iz”u mBk----
dSls gksxk vKkuh] enka/k lxj&iq=ksa dk m)kj \
“krk”oes/k ;K dj cuus pys Fks banz tks
HkLe gq;s rj u lds tks
;k fQj blh izdkj
ge Hkh cu tk;saxs vr`Ir firj \
vkus okyh ihf<+;k¡ Hkh \
gksuk gh Fkk ;g rks xaxk ds fcukA
ykuk gksxk------ ifrr ikouh lqjlfj xaxk dksA
iz;kl cgqr fd;s
lxj] va”kqeku o fnyhi usA
fdUrq xaxk-------\
og rks flQZ ^HkxhjFk iz;kl^ ls gh vkrh gSA
fdUrq dkSu gS leFkZ tks /kkj.k djsxk \
fo/oafluh] ijeosfxuh] “kfDr dks
“kkar vkSj lhfer djsxk \
bUnz] dqcsj] o#.k] ;e \
O;FkZ pyk tk;sxk JeA
u’V gksxk Lo;a djsxk l`f’V dks HkhA
f”ko gS leFkZA
f”koRo dk fodkl] ;gh Fkk ^HkxhjFk iz;kl^A
/kkj.k fd;k fut Hkky ij
rj x;s lc] rj jgs gSaA
xaxk iznwf’kr gks xbZ
jprh clrh Fkh rks gekjs d.k&d.k esa
jkse &jkse esa
[kks xbZ------A
dfiy dk dksi fn[kkbZ ugha nsrk rqEgsa\
v”kkafr] vjkrdrk] Hkz’Vkpkj
loZ= =kfg =kfg gkgkdkjA
iki rki i”kqo`fÙk dk frfej izlkjA
d.k d.k ls ok’ihd`r gksdj
“kq’d gksrk lnkpkjA
gs xaxkghu lxjiq=ksa! mBksA
HkLehHkwr gksus ds iwoZ gh psrksA
gS rqEgkjh izk.k xaxkA
iru ls gS =k.k xaxkA
fo”o oafnr txrxq# in
nh rqEgs Fkh egku xaxkA
djks HkxhjFk iz;klA f”koRo dk fodklA
D;ksafd xaxk dk oj.k djus esa f”ko gh gS leFkZA
/kuk/;{k dqcsj ughaA
“kkluk/;{k ;e ughaA
foyklh bUnz ughaA
vgadkjh o#.k] vfXu ;k ok;q ughaA
^^Kku foKkue;h “kfDr;ksa dk lrr izokg^^
;gh rks gS lqjlfj xaxkA
xaxk dk gks vorj.k
f”ko cudj djks oj.kA
Kku?ku] “kkareu] fojDr] fu’dkeA
Ykksdfgr gsrq dj ldks rqe xjy ikuA
cuks Lo;aHkw] nkrk] dY;k.k ds izrhdA
cu egkdky dj ldks rk.Mo] yksdY;k.k ds fufeÙkA
gks tkvksxs lqj&vlqj pjkpj esa iwT;A
fdUrq vk”kqrks’k u cuukA
HkLeklqj ls lko/kku jgukA
HkLeklqj gSa vkt ds vyxkooknhA
lÙkku”kha] xíhu”kha] vkradoknhA
fn;k rqEgh us gS ojnkuA
vkrqj gSa gjus dks izk.kA
vik= tc Hkh “kfDr dk gksxk /kkjdA
fu”p; gh gksxk fo/oald] ekjdA
pqu fy;k mudks tks gSa “kks’kd
vU;k; vuhfr ds iks’kdA
oru dh Mksyh dj nh fNujksa ds gokysA
t;pUn vkSj vkaHkhd dks gks rqEgh ikysA
fn;k gS izJ; rks Hkqxrks------
xaxk ds fcuk ;g rks gksuk gh FkkA
blls igys fd HkLe gks tkvksA
mBks ---- tkxks ------ psrks -----A
tho ls f”ko cu djks xaxk dk oj.kA
D;ksafd -----
xaxk vorj.k ds fcuk
u rks m)kj gqvk Fkk------
vkSj u gksxk------A

;{k iz”u & xaHkhj leL;k]   enkU/k & ?keaMh]    lqjlfj & nso unh]           Hkky & eLrd]         frfej &- va/kdkj] =k.k&mRFkku]              oj.k&/kkj.k]        xjy&tgj]                 vk”kqrks’k&tYnh [kq”k gksus okyk]       fNujk&pfj=ghu]           izJ;&lgkjk

I’m sorry to say but I want at least one reply about my blog. Either Positive or Negative. Just to keep myself on track & ……..

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Today (25/3/12) I have gone through an article/interview in Times of India discussing about the spiritualism & existence of God.
A Nice topic to discuss…… (Might be endless i.e. Neti-Neti)
Let us begin from the root…..
What we see all around us?
Either Living or non-living thing.
Now, what is common in both?
They all are made up of Atoms & Molecules.
Now, Can we say that an atom or Molecule is Alive or dead?
Whatever has been taught to us, based on that we can say that they are not alive. They don’t show any properties of living things.
If all the living & non-living things are made up of these non-living materials then what is that SPECIAL THING which makes this difference of being Alive of Dead.
How a group of atoms/molecules behave differently so that we categorize them as Alive?
Perhaps Modern Science has no specific & satisfactory answer to this question. Although I believe that there is nothing in this universe which has no specific reason and everything can be explained with solid reasons and facts. It’s up to us what we have disclosed & can explain with proper logic. The day when we come to know the hidden facts behind this, we will be in position to explain this as simply as now a day we can explain lot of things which were like a miracle once.
In our Hindu Mythology, we may try to find the answer of this. And if interpreted properly, lot of Modern Facts/Principles needs to be changed.
There is a specific word I’ve gone through i.e. CHETNA (I don’t find any suitable English Word for this). What is this CHETAN?.......
OK. What is not CHETAN? (The opposite of Chetan is JADA)
A Big Question (Yaksha Prashna)….. which cannot be answered directly & easily.
To understand this concept let us mould this discussion in different direction….
We say that we are alive. The present definition of living organism is …. “ All Living organisms Grow, Breathe/Respire, Reproduce etc.” I feel that the present definition needs to be reconsidered. There are certain other factors which should be taken care. 
TO BE CONTINUED ...................

Pl. reply to encourage & guide..... (sannet3011@gmail.com)

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Today In a news paper I read a news "The weight of the earth is reducing because the Glaciers of Greenland etc. are melting and also as a result gravity of the earth is becoming less although very negligible".
What a Joke!
Go to Space.... far away from earth...... Now Earth has Solid, Liquid & Gaseous part. As a whole The ratio of all these is fix and will remain fix as nothing is coming from outside space to earth and also not going out of earth to space. Only the things are changing their form and location on earth. As a whole the mass of the earth is not going to change and same for the gravity.
One Exception.....
Every day thousands of meteorites  enter in earth's atmosphere from space and get destroyed in the atmosphere only. These foreign bodies joining earth everyday keep increasing the overall mass of earth daily
 but very negligible. So earth is  gaining weight daily not loosing. And as Mass is increasing daily so the gravity also.
I've discussed this with my students also and they have also agreed with me. what about you?......
Thanks  for sharing this fact with me. See you......

 (Sanjay Singh "Avadhoot" ---- sannet3011@gmail.com)

Monday, 19 March 2012


Today In a news paper I read a news "The weight of the earth is reducing because the Glaciers of Greenland etc. are melting and also as a result gravity of the earth is becoming less although very negligible".
What a Joke!
Go to Space.... far away from earth...... Now Earth has Solid, Liquid & Gaseous part. As a whole The ratio of all these is fix and will remain fix as nothing is coming from outside space to earth and also not going out of earth to space. Only the things are changing their form and location on earth. As a whole the mass of the earth is not going to change and same for the gravity.
One Exception.....
Every day thousands of meteorites  enter in earth's atmosphere from space and get destroyed in the atmosphere only. These foreign bodies joining earth everyday keep increasing the overall mass of earth daily
 but very negligible. So earth is  gaining weight daily not loosing. And as Mass i increasing daily so the gravity also.
I've discussed this with my students also and they have also agreed with me. what about you?......
Thanks  for sharing this fact with me. See you......

 (Sanjay Singh "Avadhoot" ---- sannet3011@gmail.com)